We’ve built communities that range from two-story apartment complexes to urban multifamily with precast parking garage structures and luxurious amenities. Our home improvement professionals analyze and collaborate with you to plan and get started with your construction project as soon as possible. We’re glad to let you know that when we hand over the keys at the end of each project, we sleep well knowing those that call our buildings a home, do too.
Multi-Family Homes
We’ve built communities that range from two story apartment complexes to urban multifamily with precast parking garage structures and luxurious amenities. Our home improvement professionals analyze and collaborate with you to plan and get started with your construction project as soon as possible. We’re glad to let you know that when we hand over the keys at the end of each project, we sleep well knowing those that call our buildings a home, do too.
What We Do
Just like the services we offer for single-home families, our team is also responsible for nearly all of the stages of the building process of your multifamily/commercial project. This generally includes:
Purchasing supplies
Zoning/building codes
Contact NEWA Enterprises Inc
If you have a multi-family home project that needs work done, our highly experienced and motivated team is always ready to offer a helping hand. We have years of experience renovating multi-family homes, so rest easy and let our accomplished team handle it! Contact us today for a FREE quote!